Every snowboard photographers dream is to get a photo annual cover, and somehow I managed to land one of my favorite shots on the cover of Snowboarder Mag's 2009!!
This shot was taking in Revelstoke in a sled zone none of us had ever been to (thanks dustin for being such a loud mouth). I drove there the night before to meet up with the crew and got in the revy at 3am and meet them at 630 at timmy hoe hoes. So bascially I was delirious that day. It was my first day ever shooting with Mikey and Eero Niemela, and this was the first hit of the day!! So sick.
Special thanks to the crew (Carlino, Niemela and Rencz) , Pat Bridges, Ryan Hughes, and Tom at Snowboarder for using my shit. And special special thanks to Jeff Patterson for being a selfish bastard (yes ur but i still like u), and getting me kicked off the Snowboarder shoot at Norquay. Without you, bud, this never would have happened.