A little shameless self promotion.. whatever.. this is my 4th Cover this year, so far.. so blessed! yea David!
Working with the
Yes Now Board crew is awesome fun, productive and they make it real easy to get tons of shoots. These guys, DCP, RDM and JPS are on point with everything they do (well, maybe not JP's timeliness, but definitely with the boarding).
I cold called DCP last year in March. I'd only just briefly shaken his hand in the Baldface helipad/parking lot a couple weeks before, but had to snatch his number off someone else to make the call that day.
It was right before a 4 four day sunny spell, in Whistler. The snow had been continouisly falling and 2 weeks of solid grey, yet the snow pack was said to be stable, so we all knew those days ahead where gonna be good! I always try to line up a solid crew a couple days before those sunny days come so I can get a handful of keepers. Obviously DCP, RDM and JPS had options. They could have lined up plenty of other photographers they had worked with in the past, but I guess they checkout my site and decided they would take a chance on me. I was suprised and more then grateful! From the get go, we hit it off great and they made me feel like part of the family.
At first they agreed to the first two days, but when I clarified by asking if I should line up another crew for the two days after, they said let just shoot till it the suns gone, or everyones legs turn to jello (yea right). From my experience that's usually works out best with a solid crew like this. Especially when your freelancing it. Selling shots of this crew is like selling candy to a baby, and all the mags are down to run at least a banger or two of each of them so there's no shots going unseen.
From those four days alone I sold 3 ad's, got at least one photo published in Snowboarder, TWS, Snowboard Mag, Kingsnow, Slash, Frequency, Mountain Life, Transfer, Aus and NZ Snowboarder, and a cluster-f of Euro and Jap mags, and more notably, this cover. Thanks for taking that chance boys!
Yes is making killer boards these days and sporting a awesome mixed bag backcountry crew from legends to 'rookie' up and comers. They're making their own movie released next fall and without a doubt it's gonna be killer. I anticipate some wicked footage from everyone including Tadashi Fuse, Benji Ritchie, Mikey Pederson, Jake Kioa, Frank April, and Helen Sketini.
Enfin, un grand merci à Vianney et tout le monde à Snow Surf Mag Snowboard, pour votre amour et votre soutien.