Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Andrew Hardingham

stuck in a puddle? bring a sandwich

Monday, October 18, 2010

Photo Exhibit

I'm having a photo exhibit in my home town, Calgary Alberta at the Elbow Park Community Center. Should be a blast.

Come share some drinks and good vibes on November 4th. Doors will be open from 6-11pm. All ages welcome, bring your parents, heck bring your dog. Well maybe not dogs but all humans are welcome.

Please be sure to bring a non perishable food item for the Food Bank to help those in need.

Thanks everyone for your support. RSVP on the facebook group if you can, here.


Molson Canadian, Red Bull and Barefoot Wine & Bubbly

About the Artist:

In our postmodern, image-driven milieu, even the most sensational scenes

can barely elicit a reaction. Yet, when the active elements of mystery and

humanity intersect, images can reach right out and touch us. It is with

passion and perception that Ashley Barker arrives at this intersection with

her photography. Formal training at the Western Academy Of Photography

and a grand sense of scale, born of her Alberta roots, inform her visual

perspective. An accomplished commercial artist at only 25, Barker's photos

are in demand with the world's foremost publishers of snowboarding, skiing

and action culture. She loves the mountains and works fervently to gain skill

and experience shooting in the alpine environment. And it is out there, far

from the manmade constructs of so-called civilization that her passion finds


SBC Woman's annual cover

Jessica Kimura is killing it!! switch frontside boardslide redirect, Ottawa, Ontario, Kanada. love it. so happy for all her accomplishments this year. I get more requests for this girl then all the others put together. that's sayings alot.
Check out our cover and her full interview, in stores now.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

CAPITA - Jessica Kimura AD and Poster

This girl slaughters it. Capita Devours Everything.

Check her out in the new Snowboarder Mag Girls Issue, and interview in SBC coming soon!!

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Happy FRENDS day

I'm living down in Encinitas California with a bunch of FRENDS this month. Awesome people.

10/10/10 is the official frends day! Watch the 10 edits Jack and Robb have been working on all week here and then go hang with your frends, laugh you face off and be mary. You deserve it.


Saturday, October 9, 2010

Kerrie Hale and Costa Lesa

Shot some horse pictures when I was in Calgary a couple weeks ago for a wonderful lady/friend and client. Her horse is gorgeous. Thanks for the great experience Kerrie!

Art Show.

Been putting in some serious hours working on this one. More details to come. Check out the facebook event for more info for now.

Hope to see y'all there!!